Genabilty Engineering Tours a Tesla Battery Storage Installation at Jackson Family Wines in Sonoma
By Charity Vargas
| Reading time 1 minute
Last week the Engineering team headed out of the office to Sonoma for a team offsite. Their destination was the Kendall-Jackson Wine Garden and Estate, owned by Jackson Family Wines (JFW), to take stock of this year’s accomplishments, make plans for the rest of the year and of course eat amazing food and drink lovely wine in beautiful California Wine Country.
Tasting in the Vineyard
We also had another reason to pick Jackson Family Wines for our offsite - they are leading the way in agricultural sustainability. Over the last five years JFW has heavily invested in renewable energy. And for us, we were particularly interested in seeing their solar and battery storage systems - a whopping 6.5 megawatts of solar and 8.4 megawatt hours of storage capacity from Tesla batteries.
Jackson Family Wines was one of the first pilot installations of Tesla’s Power Pack, their commercial battery storage system. Tesla uses Genability’s rate engine, the world’s bestand the only accurate rate engine, to calculate JFW’s battery systems’ actual savings.
And it’s no small amount according to Forbes “Across the Jackson family wineries, solar panels and Tesla batteries are expected to lower the company’s electricity bill by nearly 40% in 2016, which is a savings of about $2 million.” So after many monthly cycles of aggregating and analyzing their meter data feeds, calculating their actual bills and savings through our rate engine and reporting it, we wanted to see these batteries in person.
Members of team Genability checking out the the Tesla batteries up close
The Team had a great time (check out a full album of photos from the day here) tasting wine, walking in the vineyards and beautiful kitchen gardens, and touring the harvesting and production facilities.
Team Genability walking in the kitchen gardens
Thank you to Jackson Family Wines for a fantastic offsite. We have recharged our batteries and are back in the office working hard with renewed energy toward our goal of enabling Clean Abundant Energy for Everyone.
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